The following resources have been curated and/or developed for providers treating pediatric patients and families. Check back often to find additional or updated content to expand your knowledge and enhance your practice.
Tickborne Diseases of the United States: A Reference Manual for Health Care Providers, Fifth Edition (2018)
2020 Guidelines for the Prevention, Diagnosis and Treatment of Lyme Disease
Erythema Migrans Rash Poster
Lyme Disease Prophylaxis After Tick Bite
Lyme Disease Serologic Testing and Pretest Probability
Non-recommended Laboratory Tests
Repellent Resources
NAPNAP Provider Pocket Guide – Based on NAPNAP member feedback and recommendations, we updated this resource to include additional images, more concise guidelines and new information. Please refer to the revised NAPNAP Patient Handout to help you educate patients and their families about tick bite prevention strategies, how to do a fully body tick check and how to remove a tick.
NAPNAP Provider Pocket Guide: Expanded Version – This LD provider pocket guide contains nine panels on side A, which are designed as a clinician companion, include maps and provide you with exactly what you need to know to effectively care for children at risk for Lyme disease. When you’re ready to educate your patients and families, go to side B and share the information designed to help families become part of the health care team working to improve the outcome of children at risk for Lyme disease.
NAPNAP Patient Handout – Our updated version of this education tool was developed based on NAPNAP member feedback and suggestions. It includes information for you to educate patients and their families about tick bite prevention strategies, how to do a full body tick check and how to remove a tick. Please be sure to share this valuable resource with your patients and their families.
NAPNAP Patient/Provider Handout – This education tool includes all of the information for you to educate patients and their families about tick bite prevention strategies, how to do a full body tick check and how to remove a tick. It also includes a special section for providers to include dosage information and instructions for parents when you are prescribing an antibiotic for post-exposure prophylaxis or early Lyme disease treatment.
How to remove a tick video for families
CDC’s “Caring for Patients After a Tick Bite” guide offers providers concise and convenient information about tick removal, prophylaxis dosing and symptom watch. Access the guide here.